Women & Infants

Helpful resources and support in Flagstaff

We want you and your family to have the information needed to raise a healthy baby from day one. 

Take a look at the wide range of resources and support we offer before, during and after your child’s arrival.

Guidebook on mother and baby care 

The helpful guide offers information about what to bring to the hospital, body changes after delivery, your baby’s first tests, safety at home and more: 

Where every moment matters

Learning how to breastfeed successfully

The Breastfeeding Center in Flagstaff offers:

  • Prenatal breastfeeding classes.
  • Expert lactation consultants.
  • Sales and rentals for breast pumps and other supplies.
  • Breastfeeding gift packages and educational materials.

To schedule your outpatient appointment, call us at 928-214-2605.

Postpartum Depression Support Group

While every mother is different, every mother needs support. If you or someone you know is experiencing depression during or after pregnancy, help is available.

You’re welcome to join us for emotional support, to share your story or just to listen. This is a free service.

For more information, call 928-639-6157. If you have more urgent concerns, call the Arizona Postpartum Warmline at 888-434-6667.

Safe Sleep

Please refer to this link to identify actions you and others can take to help your baby sleep safely and to reduce your baby’s risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death.