Hospital Patients

Learn about our security services

Security escorting service

No matter which location you visit, we can escort you to the parking garage, surface lots and surrounding medical center buildings 24 hours a day. Simply dial 0 and ask for a security escort. 

We encourage you to use our escorting service whenever you need it. If you choose not to use it, take a look at a few important safety tips.

Motorist services

Our security officers make an effort to help motorists in need at each of our hospital parking lots as soon as possible. We typically provide:  

  • Lock-out assistance for your vehicle.*
  • Vehicle jump starts.
  • Notification through our paging system if you leave on your headlights.

If we’re not able to help with the situation, a security officer will stay with you and your vehicle until additional assistance arrives.

*Before we provide some motorist services, you may be required to sign a release of liability waiver and a third-party may be called for assistance.

Lost and found

At Northern Arizona Healthcare, we document and keep all recovered property at the location it’s found.

If you find someone else’s property: Please call the switchboard operator and ask for security. An officer will secure the property and try to return it to its owner as soon as possible.

If you lose or misplace your property, or property is stolen from you: Please call the switchboard operator and ask them to connect you with a security officer who can record your loss.

Contact security services

Flagstaff Medical Center
Phone: 928-779-3366 

Verde Valley Medical Center
Phone: 928-634-2251