Medical Records

Proxy access to the MyNAHealthcare Patient Portal

As a Northern Arizona Healthcare patient, you can give another person the right to see your NAH medical record via the patient portal. Proxy access gives the person that you name (your “Proxy”) (i.e., parent, legal guardian, or other elected adult) the ability to view your medical record information and talk with your health care providers using the MyNAHealthcare Patient Portal.

Patient information viewed by your Proxy may include your medications, immunizations, procedures, lab results, microbiology results, radiology (X-ray) reports, pathology results, and visit and discharge summaries.

Request proxy access

To authorize a proxy to your medical record, please email the following to [email protected].

Revoke proxy access

You or your proxy may revoke access at any time. To do so, you or your proxy must email a new copy of the Proxy Access Request and Authorization Form to [email protected].

  • If you are the patient, see the revocation instructions in form section 5.
  • If you are the proxy, see the revocation instructions in form section 4.


If you need assistance completing the proxy authorization form, or have questions about requesting or revoking a proxy account, contact the Patient Portal Helpline at 877-624-7678 between 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. on weekdays. Please note the helpline is closed on major holidays.