Pharmacy Services

Finding answers to your pharmacy questions

Here are some of the most common questions we receive from patients, families and healthcare professionals about what our pharmacists do.

Where do healthcare system pharmacists work?
  • Hospitals
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Homecare companies
  • Health-maintenance organizations
  • Other organized health-system settings
What do they do?
  • Advise doctors and other healthcare professionals about medication selection and administration
  • Counsel patients on proper medication use
  • Monitor medication therapy to ensure its effectiveness
  • Evaluate new medications, recommending the safest and most effective therapies for each patient
How do they work with doctors and nurses?
  • Health-system pharmacists work with doctors, nurses and other professionals to deliver patient care.
  • Pharmacists are important members of every patient’s healthcare team.
What information can health-system pharmacists provide?
  • Information on your medications, including purpose, effectiveness, side effects and dosage
  • How to take medications properly so they’re safe and effective
  • Ways to help prevent improper medication use and adverse drug reactions
  • Ways to help prevent the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria
  • Proper medication use after a patient leaves a health-system
How do health-system pharmacists help keep patients safe?
  • By preventing possible adverse interactions by reviewing patients’ medication therapy for each new medication prescribed
  • By discussing the most effective therapies with doctors and nurses
  • By monitoring medication dosage and administration, and making any necessary adjustments
What else can health-system pharmacists tell me about?
  • Provide assistance and advice about patches, gum and other smoking-cessation aids
  • Recommend aspirin dosages to prevent heart attacks and strokes
  • Inform you about medications that go from prescription to over-the-counter status, like nicotine patches and Claritin
  • Discuss effective ways to treat high cholesterol
  • Medications to treat common conditions such as diabetes and asthma
  • Offering guidelines about taking medications with alcohol
  • The proper immunizations for adults and children
  • Special considerations when giving children medication