NAH announces opening of new westside Flagstaff EntireCare Rehab & Sports Medicine Clinic  

Northern Arizona Healthcare (NAH) is pleased to announce that it has opened a new EntireCare Rehab & Sports Medicine clinic in Flagstaff. The clinic is located at 2000 S. Thompson Street.

At NAH’s EntireCare Rehab & Sports Medicine, experienced therapists treat people of all ages and physical conditions, whether someone is recovering from surgery, has a chronic illness or are a competitive athlete recovering from an injury. EntireCare offers physical, occupational, speech and hand therapies, all of which are all prescribed by a provider for inpatients and outpatients. The skilled therapists conduct comprehensive evaluations and develop individualized treatment plans especially for each patient.

The new clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To book an appointment, please call 928-773-2425.

EntireCare Rehab & Sports Medicine also has clinics located in east Flagstaff, 7810 N. Highway 89, Suite 270-280, and at Flagstaff Medical Center, 1215 N. Beaver Street.