Why should you get a flu shot?

Did you know people are less inclined to get a flu vaccine after the end of November? Don’t be one of them: The flu is already spreading quickly in Arizona.

Why should you be vaccinated? The benefits of the shot include:

  • Keeping you from getting sick with flu; a serious illness.
  • Reducing the risk of flu-associated hospitalization if you are especially prone to flu.
  • Preventing serious complications associated with some chronic conditions.
  • Protecting pregnant women and new mothers.
  • Protecting the people around you, especially babies and young children not yet old enough to have a flu shot.

Speak to your primary care provider about getting a flu vaccine during the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Influenza Vaccination Week, Dec. 1-7.

Don’t have a primary care provider? Northern Arizona Healthcare has five primary care locations in Flagstaff and the Verde Valley.